When I decided to start a blog, I thought it would be somewhat easy. Spend a couple hours on the weekend writing posts to go out throughout the week and instagram. However, I learned quite quickly that finding those couple hours to write is nearly impossible. I forgot that the weekends are my time to see friends, go to the gym, run errands, and honestly just nap. I don't want to work on the weekends. But is my posting only a couple times a month enough?
I tried to reason it out by saying, "No one even reads blogs." But... come on... that is NOT true. My desire to start a blog CAME from reading blogs. They were what I turned to for new trends before Instagram was even created. So I decided to write more. And a monthly post turning into bi monthly posts but I still had that gnawing inside me that it just wasn't enough. Yes, I post on Instagram at least once a day, but how can I call myself a blogger if I just let my actual blog fall to the wayside? There are bloggers out there who post 6-7 times a week. Do they even sleep?
So here is my promise to you: I will stop worrying and comparing myself to others. Yes my page views may be low, but so is my posting frequency. You get what you give and I will start to give more attention to the actual blog in my blogging career.
Here's to more posting!!